coursera, Introducing The Global Translator Community!

We believe that everyone should have access to a high-quality education, and our community is a reflection of that: Courserians live in every country in the world, come from all walks of life, and speak dozens — if not hundreds — of languages. 

But together, we want to do more to make a great education possible for learners of all backgrounds. 

As a step towards that vision, we are excited to announce the launch of theGlobal Translator Community (GTC). The GTC is a community of dedicated individuals and partner organizations working together to provide subtitle translations for Coursera-hosted courses. The GTC offers participants an opportunity to become members of a tight-knit community, earn recognition for their contributions, and — most importantly — help millions of learners across the globe. And for learners, the GTC promises to make more content more available in more languages. 

Visit our Global Translator Community page to join us, and to learn more about the program. And visit our course catalogue to enjoy the wide variety of courses already available with subtitle translations. 

Thank you! 

Yours in learning without limits, 
Sébastien Kuo
Program Manager, Localization


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